Thursday, February 27, 2020

Sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 20

Sociology - Essay Example When broken by age, data collected and compared shows increase for the 18-24 population, decrease for 45-64 group, with 25-44 and 65 or older groups showing no significant change. Regionally, people in the Midwest are more likely to participate in elections than people from other regions. At the same time, Midwest region also saw a decrease in voter numbers, together with the Northeast. The only increase in voters was recorded in the South, with West recording unchanged rates. The Bureau, also collected responses from voters that did not participate and voted and four main reasons for that were- schedule or people being too busy to go to polling places, ill, disabled or having family emergency, 13% believed that their vote would not make a difference and, finally, a similar percentage just did not like the candidates or campaign issues. For the purpose of this paper I have selected to interview my high school Social Studies teacher. She is a middle age, educated, white person with liberal views. I have known this person for years and always appreciated her opinion and input. We have met in her school office and spoke for hour and a half on December 5th. The interview took place in after-school hours, as she was kind to dedicate some of her free time for this conversation. The interview was very informal but at the same time very informative as she, often times, is an opinioned and critical about our system of democracy. The first question I posed to her was whether she was a registered voter and whether she votes on regular basis. The answer to this was a simple yes and yes. Next, I asked why does she vote and what voting means to her ? After this question, I got more detailed response. She said that she votes because voting is one of the privileges of our democracy. At the same time, she emphasized that voting is not just a right we, as citizens of the US, have, but it

Monday, February 10, 2020

Week 3 Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Week 3 Journal - Essay Example All these are issues that people battle with, but may not necessarily have the answers for at the end of the day.It is true that the current declining state of America’s cultural, economic, and even social setting may be attributed to the education system in place. A lot of emphasis is placed on getting top scores in education institutions, forgetting that self-education may be the best way a person can benefit their lives, in the long run. This emphasis forces students to resort to different tactics to be at the top of their class. As far as being the biggest scam in America is concerned, college institutions are making a killing at their students’ expense (NIA 1). Loans are taken up by students with the aim of acquiring an education, only to pay that back after being employed. Problems arise when there is little to show for this education in a declining job market. NIA’s aim was to show that individuals can do without college education, claiming that self-education can create the necessary skills needed to succeed, an assumption countless individuals may concur